JOB # 200100 – DC Clean Rivers Project – Potomac River Tunnel Contract B – Tunnel System Construction
The proposed Potomac River Tunnel (PRT) is a large, deep, sewer tunnel that will increase the capacity of the existing sewer system in the District of Columbia to current design standards; significantly mitigating the frequency, magnitude, and duration of combined sewer overflows into the Potomac River. Additionally, the PRT will provide storage volume to effectively reduce CSO discharges to the Potomac River by 93 percent.
Some of the Key Scopes on this project are: Tunnel and Deep Shaft Excavation, Site Excavation and Disposal, Blasting, Structural Concrete, Precast Tunnel Liner, Drilled Shafts & Decant Piles, Temporary Support of Excavation, Mechanical and Electrical, Sitework, Finishes, Misc. Metals, Geotech & Environmental Monitoring, Erosion Control, Rebar, Clearing & Grubbing, Sawcutting, Masonry, Storm & Sewer Pipe, Signage, Traffic Control Materials, Painting, Pipe Video Inspection, Precast Concrete Structures, etc.
This is a Federally Funded Project and has DBE and WBE Goals assigned to it. CBNA-Halmar encourages and promotes the maximum M/W/DBE and SDVOB Participation possible on this and all of its projects. All D/WBE firms are encouraged to contact our main office to investigate how you can become involved in this Project with our team.
Please contact Procurement at for further information or to request Bid Documents.
CBNA-Halmar Clean Rivers JV is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.